Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Here We Go Again

So I've been taking many trips down memory lane lately and it got me thinking about all the types of girls that we had in high school. I went to McArthur and for the most part it sucked except we did get some of the hottest girls in our grade and I really started thinking about the hottest of the hot in my grade from when we graduated in 2007. They all probably won't appreciate it but then again i'm not one for caring so i'd like to list to everyone my personal top ten hottest girls from my high school class. I'd also love to hear all you're top tens, or top five on the matter. I'm all ears. I feel that it's always a great thing to just say what you feel and everything because this is just a funny thing. There are too many blogs and people on blogs that whine about loving one girl and being obsessed over one girl but they never tell you her name or anything so you know who it is he's talking about. What's wrong with saying their name you're not saying anything bad. I mean that's not my case here most girls I talk about wind up hating me but that's because my mouth has no filter and never will but without further ado. Here is my top ten hottest girls in my high school class and why.

NUMBER 10... Kelly Smith.
I know what you all must be thinking she wasn't the hottest that we had in school and you're right there were hotter but Kelly makes the list not just based on looks. She's one of my sleeper picks that you just wouldn't expect to be on here. I've known Kelly since we went to elementary school together. That's a long time and one of the sexiest things about her is that I got to see her every year and how she grew up and got hotter and hotter with each year. She makes this list because as most of the girls on this list hit their stride in high school and still look the same now, Kelly continues to get hotter and hotter as each year passes.

NUMBER 9... Jenna West.
What makes Jenna on this list personal for me is her smile and her face. Not to say she doesn't have a great body cause she does but just one look at her when she's smiling or just thinking and it's enough to seal the deal. She has one of the cutest faces I think known to man and enough to melt any man. You can obviously tell now that my whole top ten is going to be consistent with girls that I stand no chance in hell with. When it comes to guys, I don't even come close to their pleathora but that's okay with me. Just standing near these golden godess is enough to make your life complete and who knows maybe some of their good looks rub off on you as osmosis.

NUMBER 8... Molly Orth.
I don't really have much to say about Molly cause I never really talked to her in high school or got to know her much which is a shame. Obviously only a shame for me lol She makes this list because what can I say...I dig red heads. They turn my shit on like no other. She has a cute smile too and for some reason a good smile is enough for me to squeeze a nice little NRB.

NUMBER 7... Jenna Schulman
Ah what can I say about the fabulous Jenna. Their is a story I have to tell about the fabulous Jenna and I was hoping to make a whole post about it but I don't think I have much to say other then the punch line. So i'll tell it here. We all know Jenna is gorgeous. She just has this whole porn star look that just grinds you up. She sassy and it gets me going. I was lucky enough, well not really lucky but I guess I am, to go out with her for a few weeks in eighth grade. I don't remember much of it cause let's face it i'm retarded and can't remember a lot but I remember that she actually liked me, something which really surprised me because I was not much of a looker in eighth grade...let alone now. But I was a pussy in eighth grade and never made a move to kiss her or anything. We basically were just a dating couple where I walked to her locker with her in between classes and we got friends to give each other notes. I was a huge pussy in eighth grade. we didn't even hang out. She would always ask me to hang out and go chill with her and her friends at swan pool or whatever it was called and I always gave an excuse as to why I couldn't. I didn't think I was funny enough or cool enough to go chill with the popular kids. I was an idiot. I had a hot girlfriend for a time and wouldn't go hang out with her. That's not the dumbest part. After a while it ran its course and what happened of course was going to happen. She broke up with me. Now here's where my true idiocy comes in. She wanted to go back out a day later or something and was talking to Eliot Ser about it. For some reason I had pride and respect for myself and when he told me she wanted to...I refused. Man did I have some balls to do that. tiny balls but balls at that. I look back at my old self in disgust of what I said after that. Eliot told me that she was willing to give me either a hand job or blow job. I don't remember which but it was something sexual and I still looked Elliot in the face and told him to tell her no. I hate myself sometimes.

NUMBER 6... Raquel Lirio
Another girl I have a fabulously pathetic story about on my account. We all know why Raquel makes the list so I don't think I really need to go into it but if you're retarded and don't understand it's because she's fucking ridiculously hot but onwards to my pathetic story. It was wildwood and I was quickly developing into the disgusting, crude kid that just didn't give a shit but I didn't let anyone see that. I held it in because I stupidly still had a girlfriend then. Monica Morace, ugh what a mistake that was but anyway for some reason Raquel was talking to me the first night. I couldn't believe it. This may have been the hottest girl to ever breath a word to me. I tried to play it cool, I obviously still cared about trying to impress people. Now I just don't give a shit. Now I post blogs to tell how scared and stupid I was when I was younger. Not scared anymore. Don't give a shit at all but anyway I cut a pair of my pants into short shorts because me and my friends are retarded. I planned on wearing them in the pool that rado and I brought. Anyway, we had Raquel in our room and I forget who else was in there but he left and it was just me and her. We were drunk. Well I was at least. She wanted to try my shorts on. I passed them to her and she took her pants off. Jesus himself couldn't look away from a girl this beautiful. In my head, I thought this was a signal to try and make a move. Obviously I didn't. I always said it was because I had a girlfriend and cared too much to cheat on her but we all know that's not the reason. I was frozen. I couldn't move. I kept telling myself to make a move thinking that she was putting herself out there but then I remember who I was talking to. This was Raquel Lirio. There was no way she was leaving a move open for me of all people to make. I let her try the shorts on and leave with them on without making any move cause i'm a pussy. She still has the shorts.

NUMBER 5... Alicia Levy
I don't have much to say about Alicia. Most of these girls if you went to our high school and knew then you obviously know why they're making the list. Before I finally became this self-loathing disgusting oddity of a person, I actually thought that with a little luck I could bag hot girls. That was a diluted fantasy I lived in. The biggest fantasy of them all was having a super hot crush on Alicia all through middle school. I remember passing a note back and forth with her in eighth grade in Social Studies with Mr. Reuben. She asked me who I liked. You can imagine what the retard I was said. I said her. How stupid of a thing could that be. What did I really expect the answer to be. "Oh my god that's such a coincidence I like you too!" Yeah right. I was the biggest fool on the hill. I obviously got the note back with her saying she didn't like anybody but thankfully it wasn't a complete loss and I didn't loose all of my self- esteem that day. She also wrote that I had gotten a lot hotter since last year. 
NOTE: Eighth grade was the year I cut my mushroom hair cut, started wearing jeans all the time and got rid of my braces. I don't know if this is a good basis to judge her claim on but i'm guessing those reasons are big factors.

NUMBER 4... Kiara McCarthy
*self explanitory. I dont really have anything to say in the way of Kiara. She is a gorgeous girl that deserves a spot on this list. She is very nice and funny and I guess just a pleasure to be around. I had a good amount of classes with her towards the end of my high school years and they were a lot of fun because of her. It's a blunder to think girls this hot actually talked to me and laughed at my jokes. She honestly seemed to enjoy my jokes and think I was funny. Either that or she's a great actress.

NUMBER 3... Amanda Sosnicki
This girl is one of two girls that I've never actually spoken a word to or associated with. She's on the list because she's ridiculously hot. She is a little tall but I think that's what the biggest turn on about her is. She makes it work. She looks perfect. I think my cousin Derek said it best when he said she's the girl no one wants. That sounds kind of bad but in the way we meant it was that everyone talked about how hot she was and that she was really the hottest thing but no one ever really tried for her or made a move on her because she was a bit tall. I didn't care about tallness. I'd do anything but I didn't think her tallness was a problem. To me, it worked for her. If only I had talked to her.

OH boy, the last two. who could it be. Get your predictions ready cause one of these last two is a huge sleeper pick.

NUMBER 2... Marlena Berretta
We all know why she gets number two. Just take a look at her and tell me she doesn't deserve it. Some may claim to me that she deserves to be number one and I tell you it was the hardest decision for me to not put Marlena as the number one spot. When Brendan was making predictions as to who my top ten would be he immediately said that Marlena was my number one and she very well may be if it wasn't for my number one but Marlena is just under this number one. Marlena is gorgeous. She may be one of the hottest girls that you ever may meet in your life. There isn't much hotter that you could find on this planet other then porn stars. I am fortunate enough to know Marlena and be friends with her but alas as with every single other one, it will always end with friend lol

And now the Number one. Many might be upset with this sleeper pick but my reasoning is justified.

NUMBER 1... Noelle Balletti
Okay everything take a deep breath and let me explain what makes her my number one. Besides the fact that I had a huge crush on her in tenth grade and that she is adorably cute. The number one reason that she makes number one in this list is the fact of how nice and ridiculously cute she is. She is absolute girlfriend material. That's what makes her number one. All the rest of the girls are amazing and i'm sure would make great girlfriends as well but with all the other girls if I was to picture it would end sooner or later not that I want to date anyone but I'm just saying that this girl is absolute girlfriend material. Like whole nine yards girlfriend material take to movie, take to dinner, take to meet parents, take anywhere on the face of the planet she would like. I am not the only one who agrees big jim agrees with me on this and she will remain my number one hottest from our high school class.

I was planning on adding a top 10 ugliest from high school but after trying to just find five of them I was disgusted to the point of regurgitation so i had to stop. That one will be too funny and too long to add to this one so I will be doing that post tomorrow along with the top 5 girls i'm crushing on now and why me and blank should have won best friends forever in high school

Goodnight and good luck... 


  1. oh and btw yes I actually do read ur blogs and I do find then quite hysterical
