Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nice Weekend

So i know I promised everyone a blog everyday and updates on the ugliest girls in my school and all that other shit but unfortunately two big things held me up from completing these goals. 1. Best friend and known associate Mike Radovich returned from college for the summer which means mostly every minute not spent at work is usually spent going to the gym, watching tv and getting food with him and 2. it was the weekend. I have a life so it was tough to want to post on the weekend when I could be out having fun with my friends. I choose to have fun and get drunk with the squad.

I'll recount my weekend since I don't really know what else to talk about tonight because I decided to hold off on the most hysterical stories until I have a nice following of readers. So thursday me and rado decided to start doing two a days at the gym to get ready for beach season. We're lifting a clean 115 right now which is pretty good for us considering we haven't even been working out for a month yet. We hope to get up to the 200 mark over the summer which isn't a stretch. It's something we can definitely complete. besides our two a day workout thursday we also went to the met game. Pretty substandard not much of an exiting story to tell there other then mets won. 

Friday was the pretty sweet day. Rado and I decided to dub it the first official day of summer even though I still have four more days of finals left. The reason we dubbed it the first day of summer was that witty witty witcomb's had a nice fun filled evening at his house. It was nice, there was some BP, lots of drinking and fun filled antics between me, rado and pumpkin. (For those of you who don't know who pumpkin is, that's Ryan Blank. Pumpkin is a nick name he wanted for himself in twelfth grade and it's stuck ever since.) The funnest parts of the night came after we smoked a blunt with Abbs and Waters. Me, Phil, Rado and Pumpkin went to 7-11. Phil doesn't smoke so you can imagine the torment he went through by me and rado. As he kept looking for food, I would knock whatever he picked up out of his hand. As we made our way back towards our houses blank told me to sleep over. I agreed since I didn't want to walk home at three in the morning and told Rado to sleep over too. We told phil to go home lol. The funniest part of the night was yet to come. On our way home we passed the best part of the night. A man streaking. That's right on our way home a naked man ran passed us saying that he had lost a bet and had to run around outside naked. It really sucked for this guy. We're sure that he made this bet with his friends because if he had lost and had to streak naked that he wouldn't have to worry about anyone outside since it was three in the morning. Boy was he wrong. We got some nice glimpses of the nudist as he bolted past us many times as we started following his jog for shits and giggles. A nice white ass he was sporting. The night dwindled down as we got back to blanks and he decided to get naked and show off his balls to us. It got funnier everytime he did it. Especially when he would clench his ass in the air and fart. Nothing's funnier then those cheeks clenching and letting out a breath of air. We passed out shortly after to wake up earlier then intended at noon to thunderous headaches and the ill fated beer shits.

The rest of the weekend went over without anything interesting besides seeing the absolutely amazing Star Trek saturday night. It was so bad ass and Mothers Day today went over smoothly without me getting into a car accident like last year and totally ruining Mother's Day. Now the day is winding down and there's only one thing left to do...Jerk Off. 

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