Monday, May 4, 2009

Odd Mistakes

So it's 12:55 and i'm massively bored so I thought i'd grace you all with once more post that I have left in me. I was watching Signs and it just started to get me going on some of the most idiotic plot holes based in movies today so I thought I'd give a nice run down of some of my favorite plot holes in movies. 

First and foremost I think I'll start with the movie that got me thinking about these plot holes. Signs. For those of you who don't know the movie it's made by that indian guy that has never made a good movie and don't any of you tell me that the sixth sense is a good movie because that has such a bad plot hole just like all his other movies. So signs is about an impending alien invasion that this rural family is connected to. Now I'm not going to get into the whole plot because it's a waste of time so we'll just skip to the end. The family is attacked in their home by the aliens and they ward off the aliens by throwing all the glasses of water that Mel Gibsons daughter leaves around the house. This wounds the alien so badly that they pack up their shit and get the fuck out of there. Now here is where I have trouble enjoying this movie. These aliens are supposed to be smart, intellectual beings from another planet. They've mastered space travel and are looking for a planet to take over. Now maybe i'm just spitballing here but don't you think if you're planning on taking over a planet that you would care to check that the planet their taking over is made up of 70% water. The exact thing that is so lethal to them.

You'd think the indian dude would have learned from his mistakes but sadly he doesn't. Signs was the second travesty in plot holeitis. The Sixth Sense the movie that put him on the map wasn't without its own fallacies. I think we all know the big secret by now that Bruce Willis is a ghost but thats where the rest of the movie becomes really perplexing to me. Did he not realize he was a ghost? Did he suddenly think that everyone in the world had become angry at him and were choosing not to talk to him? Also no one assigned him to this kid, he just seems to be a ghost that walks up to random children offering advice which isn't the best way to run a business bruce.

Another favorite little conundrum to me is in the Shawshank Redemption. We reach the end of the movie and everyone becomes so happy he's escaped and finally made it out you miss out on a little strange problem. If Andy escaped through the hole by himself in a room where he was alone how did he manage once he was inside the hole to put the poster back up perfectly covering up the hole? Also I like Andy's cockiness at the end of the movie. After living in prison for twenty years and finally escaping. He goes on the run as a fugitive but yet still has enough time to make it out to the country side to bury some nice money for morgan freeman. Thats so sweet Andy

I recently watched the lord of the rings trilogy which is quickly becoming one of my favorite trilogies as a movie going experience. With putting that aside there is just one thing that needs to be said on plot holes. It's that there is no need for the three movies. At the end of the return of the king frodo and sam almost at their end as lava spills around them these flying eagles with gandalf appear and pick them up and take them off to safety. Now I just may be a cynic here or something but why didn't in the fellowship when gandalf told frodo that he had to take it to mordor didn't he suggest taking these flying creatures that could have easily flown him to mordor and drop the ring in the pit. It would have saved them a lot of time and miles. 

Another thing I cant get over is James Bond. He's a secret agent for god's sake. Why does he tell anyone who asks his name. As a matter of fact. He tells them his name twice for fuck's sake.

Jurassic Park is up next. After two scenes establishing the T-Rex as a huge, thunderous predator (the famous "water glass" and "puddle" scenes, where the stomping dino creates water ripples hundreds of feet away), we have the final battle in the main hall. Two raptors are about to make entrees out of our hero and the kids, when the three-story Rex saves the day by snacking on the smaller reptiles. Where was the 30-foot door? And since it was a surprise attack, did the Rex creep up on the humans and a pair of the worlds deadliest reptilian predators? Must've been wearing those Patrick Ewing-sized Nikes.

Independence Day. It's your turn. I have many problems with this movie.
There are millions of holes in this flick, but the most annoying & obvious one (to me) is Will Smith's character explaining he could pilot the alien craft: "I've seen their maneuvering capabilities, sir." Using this logic, I should be able to place in NASCAR if I watch enough ESPN, or fly a harrier jet by watching "True Lies."
I would say the biggest plot hole in this movie is the computer virus that gets introduced into the alien's system. First of all, it was written on an Apple Macintosh Powerbook. Now, since not all of the Macintosh line is compatible with each other, how could it possibly be compatible with a COMPLETELY ALIEN SYSTEM?!? furthermore how am I supposed to believe that an alien system that is designed to travel space and can annihilate our planet is so easy to be destroyed by a simple virus we've programmed into it. Wouldn't the aliens be able to wipe the virus away in  a heartbeat. 
Also why after the ship from area 51 has been missing for over four decades to this alien species would they let it enter the command center without asking it one question about where its been for the past forty or so years?

lol just a few questions for you all to ponder about you're favorite movies. I'll have more soon. I have a bunch on transformers and star wars but those are too long for me to get into I could go for days on those. Lata bitches

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